Volunteer Training Resources
NEW! BLC's 5-minute videos on important topics (building class community, teacher talk & student engagement, homework, feeling students' stress, handling absences & tardiness, guarding student privacy, student Zoom cameras)
Video trainings
NEW! BLC's 5-minute videos on important topics (building class community, teacher talk & student engagement, homework, feeling students' stress, handling absences & tardiness, guarding student privacy, student Zoom cameras)
Portland ESL Network 1-minute teaching tips
Modules about how to teach specific aspects of language, from University of Texas at Austin
Minnesota Literacy Video Trainings
Portland Literacy Council workshops
Teaching grammar: A Step-by-step approach (the presentation, the video)
Developing effective online lessons
Building class culture / group dynamics
Modeling Cultural Humility, by Lee Shainis at Intercambio
Enhancing learner self-confidence, from Oxford University Press
Creating Positive Group Dynamics, from Oxford University Press
Understanding the impact of task design on learners’ willingness to speak
Increasing impact with assistant teachers (a short presentation)
Specific teaching tips
Retrieval Practice: helping students remember (from Cult of Pedagogy)
What I learned about teaching English from Russian 101, by Linda Bonder
Everything Teachers Need To Know About Bloom’s Taxonomy, from Teaching Utopians
Instructional examples (videos)
New American Horizons. Teaching ESL to Adults: Classroom Approaches in Action - 12 teacher training videos of actual classrooms in action
From Adult ELL Pathway to Literacy - Phonics: Take away / replace
Skill-based teaching demonstrations, by Ventures
Linda's TESOL - two short sample online classes
Putting English to work: list of videos with topic labels, playlist for the whole series
Interactive, self-paced trainings
(All thanks to Amy Grant!)
Connecting with learners (reducing learner confusion)
Sample lesson plans
From Adult ELL Pathway to Literacy (theme-based plans & resources)
From the British Council on Teaching English (theme-based plans & resources)
From Beaverton Literacy Council: Lesson plan examples
When Should You Abandon Your Lesson Plan? (from Barefoot TEFL Teacher)
Teaching low level learners
Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) - resource list from Massachusetts TESOL
Teaching reading
Letter sounds and spelling patterns, learner videos by Amy Grant
Alphabetics, TESOL 2023 presentation by Kaylin Wainwright
Helping struggling readers by Amy Grant (synthesized information for teachers)
Applying Research in Reading Instruction for Adults (an online book)
11 alternatives to Round Robin Reading, by Edutopia (ways to get students to effectively participate in reading activities in class)
Supporting English Learners with Dyslexia, from Ellii
Reading Strategies - many ways to activate student learning and help them both read to learn and learn to read, by ELT Buzz
Tips for teaching with technology
Tech tips for BLC teachers (truly short & helpful videos from Amy Grant)
Zoom: Setting up breakout rooms in Zoom (by LindaB, 5+ min)
Basic “How to Use WhatsApp” (3 minutes)
Step by step: Creating and using a class WhatsApp group
Zoom, WhatsApp, and more - short video guides for volunteer teachers (by Minnesota Literacy)
The Google Suite
Step-by-step videos: Google Drive to manage files
Step-by-step videos: Google Docs (it's like MS Word)
Getting started with Google Slides (it's like Powerpoint)
Local tech classes & help
PCC Opportunity Centers: Computer Basics
Beaverton Library: tech classes and one-on-one help
Ventures training
Using Ventures, Zoom training provided by the Ventures authors for BLC volunteers in fall 2021: presentation, video
BLC lesson planning with Ventures: presentation
Using Presentation Plus with Zoom, video
Workshops to attend
Minnesota Literacy has many workshops throughout the year. See what's coming up and videos of past events.
Portland Literacy Council. Join their mailing list to learn about upcoming workshops.
ProLiteracy has webinars with optional one-on-one coaching sessions afterwards. See what's coming up and videos of past events.